Sunday, September 20, 2009

Owl Say

Ok, admittedly, I have neglected my blog. I have also neglected my Facebook fan page if it makes you feel any better. I haven't felt 100% (too long and boring to give details) and my father had a heart attack, so I have been understandably distracted. But, I'm feeling better, and so is my dad (thank you for asking), so it's time to get busy again!

I am sorry to say that I'm having to put Tattered Tapestry on the back burner for now. This is because my very strong-willed toddler has just about made it impossible to sit at a sewing machine! It's normal for a little boy to be fascinated with all things mechanical (right?). He's very intent on trying to help me guide the fabric, which does not make for very straight lines! And as his naps have gotten shorter and shorter, I just have to prioritize how to spend that time, and sewing keeps getting left off the list. I will still be offering new designs of wristlet key fobs, but all other items in my shop are on sale (if anyone is interested). I'm also destashing some of my fabric and unused patterns.

That being said, Owl Say Designs is doing quite well. I've had 255 sales since June, and it's just more than I could have possibly anticipated. It's been pretty slow this week, but I think I was getting a little spoiled. I'm happy with a sale a day, or every other day, or just whenever.... Any sale makes me happy. I'm also excited to announce that I'll be going to my first Craft Fair Oct 17th. So all recent sales have basically gone to fund this...which, as it turns out, can be very expensive when you've never done it before. But that's ok. My goal is to sell enough to pay for the booth - a mere $50. That's just 10 passport or checkbook covers. Surely I can sell least I hope. I keep telling myself I'll be ok if I don't. I'll be ok if it's a complete bust and I'm out all my recent sale money AND the booth fee. I haven't convinced myself of this yet! I think I'll just have to cross this bridge when I get there.

That's all for today. I promise more later as I do have more exciting news to share!!!

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